My name is Dennis Jernigan, author of The Chronicles of Bren. I invite you to explore the website as you read the Chronicles of Bren the stories of Lee/Leonolis and his many adventures. I hope you will find encouragement in your own life as you read about the life of Lee/Leonolis.
As a gift to you for signing up for the Bren Newsletter, you will be receiving one chapter per week from a brand new book I have just completed. The new book is from a brand new series called The Bairn of Bren and is called Hide and Seek. This series of stories is for my grandchildren who are the main characters in each of the Bairn books. You are receiving the unedited version, raw and not perfect…but a blast to read! Enjoy!
I look forward to traveling through Bren with you in the coming days…and will let you know when the music from Book Three, Generations, is ready for listening. In the meantime, enjoy Songs for the Journey from Captured and Sacrifice!
Thank you for signing up to receive the Bren newsletter!
Dennis Jernigan